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Xanxa Is Boss_2

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Xanxa Is Boss_2 Empty Xanxa Is Boss_2

Post  Xanxa Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:49 am

Age: 17

XAT Name: Adam With some stars/diamonds

In Game Name: Xanxa

Time zone: +10 GMT

Why do you want to be a Xat moderator?:

I would like to be a Xat Moderator Because:

  • I can Help and guide People
  • I am very active on Xat's and aware that for some reason, People don't know how to download

  • I will Kick anyone out trying to advertise or destroy server
  • There are many more things

What would you contribute to the moderating team?:

I could contribute to the server as a coder/scripter/Hacker(Take down enemies ) ( I know Most languages)

How much time do you spend on the Chat each day:
I Go on the xat daily. When ever I got time, Plus my holidays start in a week, Plenty of time then.

What do you think your main job would be as a Xat moderator?:

The main Job of a Xat Moderator Is to guide the players so they might have an enjoyable time playing AzelMS.

Anything else?

Oh yea You know da secret?---------------------------BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE

Posts : 5
Join date : 2012-08-25

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